Many businesses and even personal writers have found a stumbling block in content creation when trying to showcase press release writing. Unfortunately, the nuanced style is a lot harder than most people realize, and when it comes to producing high traffic options, they end up losing out in a variety of ways. The reason why people miss out on the greater good that can come from producing quality press is because they don’t pay attention to the finer points of the subject matter. Often times, a person can get bogged down in minutia and leave out eye catching formatting or pieces of information that might not seem relevant to the writer, but will most likely be the first thing a reader looks for. To stand out from a crowd, consider the following 3 things your press release needs.
Announcement Title – The first major thing to work on is your announcement title. Do not just bold the title and make it generic, think about it as the sole thing that someone will read. If you’re lucky, your title will entice someone to read further, so make sure that you’re giving the information a broad stroke with a fine tip. You want to be generic and lead into a very distinct message so that if the person doesn’t read your press, they at least read and understand the title. The benefit here is that they will remember it, return later or better yet move forward to read the rest of your information. This is not something that you need to stun people with, but rather, make sure that you have a spotlight shining on the main message of your release.
Creative Series – The second thing that most people don’t realize is that most major press releases come out in a series of two or three. The same information is recycled, reused, and restructured in many ways to make sure that the public is not in the dark when it comes to the information. This might seem redundant, but a good writer will be able to forge through three very unique examples without having to sound redundant. Creating a series will make sure that the appropriate people read the release even if they skip out on the first and second push.
Contact Information – The last piece is the contact information, and more so the placement. Make sure that it’s in an obvious place and you give the reader a variety of contact pieces so that they can not only follow the marketing to the desired location but also have an email or even a phone number ready to take calls in case questions arise. You want to be able to communicate clearly any strings that might be left open through a press release, and that requires clearly defined contact information.
The above tips are going to help you get your message to the masses and become an effective marketing talent. Remember, press release writing can be a successful option for any company to explore, when done correctly. When done poorly, it will not take the desired effect.
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