
Tips On Writing – Treating Writing Like A Job

Often, people sit in awe of those who create anything on a regular basis, as if some magical power were involved. In truth, the only power is perseverance. When anyone dedicates themselves to writing, doing it regularly is the key to success.
How is that done? Treat your writing like a job.
Schedule time every day to write. At the very least, schedule time several times a week. This may at first seem impossible; you are so busy that you feel like you don’t have time to finish a stray thought before you’re required to start another. That is, however, almost never really the case.
As soon as you have made the commitment to write, you must figure out how to make it work in your schedule, but there are places to look. How much time do you spend in front of the television? Yes, you do need to know what Sheldon will do next on The Big Bang Theory, but that half hour could be used to sit down and write. Do you watch more than a half hour a night? Wean yourself off it by cutting out one show every evening. Then cut out more. Most Americans, even ones who think of themselves as very busy and slightly overwhelmed, spend several hours watching television. That time could easily be put to use being productive and creative.
There are other periods of time in your day or in your week that aren’t as productive as they might be. How much time to you spend in Social Media online? How long so you spend getting ready every morning? If you look, you can find many parts of your day that you could be using to write.
The other issue that can come up for many is the distraction of having a family. However, if you treat your writing and creativity as if it were a job, you can deal with those distractions in a different way. If you had a job that required you to check in, spend a specific amount of time, do a specific amount of work, before you could get paid, no family distraction would be an excuse. Treat your creativity that way, with that level of commitment and you will be able to deal with the distraction.
The final resistance is the thought that you can’t give your creativity and your writing that kind of commitment. This, of course, is nonsense. All it takes to commit to something is to say you commit to it. The rest is just details.

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