Freelance writers around the world use a variety of tools to communicate, deliver content, write content, edit and work on general level. This world has evolved tremendously since 2006 and the internet has empowered the lives of personal business to the next level. What does it take for a freelance writer to do their job correctly? This depends on the geographic location of the individual writer. However, the essential tools are the same, no matter if we are using Windows or a Mac platform. These tools empower the writer to perform their duties. What are the necessary tools for a freelance writer?
Let’s talk about the tool set that a professional freelancer writer has at their disposal. The primary tool is either a laptop or desktop with ample space to save work and often have a redundant system for data backup. The next oblivious items are the internet browser and a word processing program such as Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. These word processing programs have built-in dictionaries, thesauruses and other sub tools. The next not so obvious tool is having a plagiarism checker such as Copyscape and the proper referencing tools for APA or Chicago Style. The next tool in the arsenal involves Google AdWords; it’s a great tool to help find keywords and long tail SEO phrases for that particular project that needs optimization.
A good freelancer has strong organizational skills and knows how to create directories and subdirectories for each client. Some long-term projects require individualized folders within the “master” folder to keep everything on track. The next tools involve office equipment and it will vary on the individual writer on what they own and use to manage their work flow. A good office should enable the freelancer to be effective and may include a fax machine, copier, paper shredder, and various other implements. These individualized office tools will make a great impact on the flow of communication between the client and writer.
Some writers prefer to have the office equipment in software form and do it all from their laptops or desktops. This is not a bad idea but it can be costly on a month to month basis. The technology for computers is always changing the way that we handle the work that comes in and the methods on how we communicate. Let’s take a short look at messaging systems that freelancers can use. Google offers a real-time chat system “Google Talk” that can be used to stay in touch with clients. AOL and Yahoo offer a nice chat based platform that send and receive files of that is under a certain limit. Skype offers video, chat, SMS and other features that empower the freelancer in the world of business. These tools will change but in the long run almost remain the same for the individual writer. Some writers have additional tools to help them boost productivity or communications and now that you have an inside look at a commercial writer’s life.
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