Business Marketing

5 Tips How To Choose The Correct Paper Bag For Your Retail Shop

The rise in eco-friendly alternatives for just about everything has led to retailers shifting from plastic bags to paper bags. While it might seem like an easy transition, many retail shops have trouble choosing the right paper bags for their brand and business.

Simply choosing any paper and putting the brand’s logo on it just won’t do. There are a few factors worth considering, here are some tips that will help make choosing a paper bag easier for retailers:

Tip 1: The Type Of Products Sold In Stores

Before investing in a year’s supply of coloured recyclable carriers for the shop, do an inventory check. Doing this will help you determine the average size and weight of the items the shop typically has in store. This is necessary because paper bags that are too big or too small are not appealing to consumers.

It is highly recommended to have at least two different sizes of paper bags to anticipate the needs of customers.

Tip 2: Functionality And Practicality

Paper bags that are hard to open will make it difficult for cashiers and other staff members to keep a steady and fast pace when bagging items for every customer. Long lines at the register caused by a difficulty in opening paper bags can be seen as turn off which can lead to lost sales.

The best paper bags for any retail shop are also those with soft, but strong handles to make them easier to carry. Finally, it is always best to opt for paper bags that are dark or opaque in colour to ensure the privacy of customers and their purchases.

Tip 3: Effects On Branding And Marketing

When shifting to the use of coloured recyclable carriers it is best to consider brand awareness. Make it a point to always have the logo of the brand standout from the paper bag so that when customers walk out, others will see the shop’s logo and possibly make a purchase themselves.

Tip 4: Cost And Sustainability

It is common for fast-paced businesses with tons of customers to opt for lighter bags because they are cheaper to purchase. Although this can save the business some money, weak and flimsy paper bags that easily break with very little effort can earn the shop a bad reputation.

Sometimes it is in the best interest of the shop to invest in high quality paper bags that are sturdy, even if they cost more to avoid any negative reactions from customers who are still getting used to paper bags instead of plastic.

Tip 5: Effects On The Environment

There are some businesses who use water-resistant paper bags because they are more durable and can withstand different climates without tearing apart. However, these water-resistant bags are lined with a thin film of plastic that is just as harmful to the environment. Consider this factor first before purchasing paper bags that are lined with plastic.

Support the change for a more eco-friendly retail industry, switch to recyclable paper bags that’s perfect for your shop and the needs of your customers today.

At Big Brown Carrier Bag we have the best and affordable coloured recyclable carriers for your business. Contact us today for inquieries.

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