
Five Basic Mantras Of SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting has taken the world of copywriting by storm. It is distinguished from its more used cousin, copywriting, by its ability to be picked up and ranked by search engines prowling the internet! The more effective your writing the better will be its ranking. Simple.
SEO writing helps in optimizing the web sites chances of being rated highly by search engines through a combination of keywords, tags, headings etc. Search engines generally give high rankings to pages with original, content rather than those simply filled with the key words. It is a very fine balance between what is too little and what is more. Over-usage of keywords and repeated use of a word simply to get high search engine ranking can completely ruin any chances of being rated as the search engine will block the site and not show it at all.
Presenting the 5 basic mantra of SEO copywriting:-
1. Chose your Keywords or Phrases wisely- First and foremost rule of good web copywriting or SEO writing is to select such phrases and words that will automatically get the attention of search spiders. Avoid very difficult, complicated phrases and obscure words.Be simple and realistic.
Once the keywords and phrase has been identified, it is now the time to write the content with the keywords in mind. Do not try to excessively fill in the keywords just for the sake of keyword density, rather go with the flow of the idea and see that the keywords or phrases are there. Generally, the unsaid rule is to have 3% of the text as the keyword or phrase, anything more will debar your site from the search engine ranking completely.
2. Know your target reader – You really can’t do justice to the task of SEO copywriting if you are now well aware of whom you are addressing. Therefore, it is very important that you know your target audience before you even commence writing , so that your words are directed at them and are persuasive, compelling and specially meets their requirements.
Knowing your targeted reader makes SEO writing sharp, incisive and effective!
3. Headlines make all the difference – Anybody in the print media knows that if the headlines are catchy the chances are that the article will be read. the sane is true for SEO writing as well. Surfers on the net usually do not spend more than 30 seconds in deciding whether they will stay on the site or not and headlines provide the necessary impetus for him to stay and read on. Catchy, compelling headlines also attract search engines and give high ranking. An insider’s tip is that – making bold headlines in tags and catches search spiders faster and brings them to your site.
4. Distribute the keywords evenly through the site – Let the key word be evenly distributed all the rough the site and there are no pockets of high concentration of the keywords. Focus on two or three keywords and let them flow in naturally. Do not try to bring in keywords where not required just to increase SEO word concentration.
5. Beware of writing too many words- Around 240 to 250 words are enough for one page, enchant your visitors not merely by words but the quality of your words, incorporate prominent and attractive sentences and words.
Just keep in mind that SEO copywriting is different from writing in literature, it is focused, sharp, incisive compelling and to the point. You could be a good writer otherwise, but not a great SEO copywriter because this is a unusual ball game all together!

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