
The 10 Commandments Of Copywriting

When you get right down to it there are only two forms of copywriting…copy that works and copy that doesn’t. Sadly it seems that most people that think they are great copywriters simply don’t know the difference.
Too many just beat around the bush with their copywriting efforts and have no real concept of direct response marketing. Direct response marketing is a method of copywriting that asks the reader to complete a specific action as a result of reading your sales page or letter.
The action could be anything from purchasing a product or service, requesting more information, or even signing up for your free newsletter. It doesn’t matter what action you want them to take, direct response copywriting is the most effective method.
How to Fail as a Copywriter
Of course there are other types of sales letters such as those that contain a bunch of images and are really nothing but an online billboard. This type of sales page is used most often to announce a new product or service but leave the reader on his or her own to make a decision. Unless you have a lot of disposable income to toss at them this type of sales letter will leave you broke and both you and your reader will be confused.
10 Commandments to Follow for Successful Copywriting
Use the commandments of copywriting to ensure that your direct marketing sales efforts are well rewarded.
#1 – Powerful Headline
#2 – Captivating First Sentence
#3 – Conversational Writing Style
#4 – Outline a Problem and Provide a Solution
#5 – Talk About What is Important to Your Audience
#6 – Less Hype Means More Sales
#7 – Use Testimonials
#8 – Create a Killer Offer
#9 – Always Offer a Guarantee
#10 – Make Your Offer Time Sensitive
Putting It All Together for Copywriting Success
If you incorporate all of these commandments into your sales material you’ll find that you spirits and sales will soar. Grab attention with a killer headline, follow it up with a powerful opening sentence, keep it conversational, present a problem and offer a solution, remember what is important to your audience, stay away from hype, use testimonials for credibility, make a powerful offer, offer a guarantee, and last but not least make the offer time sensitive.
The commandments of copywriting aren’t a new thing, they are time tested and proven to work.

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