
Tell Your Article Reader What To Do Next

Have you written brilliant articles for your website and not received any action from them? Nobody is clicking and visiting your site. Nobody is clicking and looking at your blog! This is a common problem for many website owners and managers. A perfectly constructed article may be missing just one ingredient and that is the cause of poor reader feedback. That one ingredient is a “call to action.” A call to action will tell the reader what to do next.
The first priority of every article is to be accessible to web surfers. You can’t tell a reader what to do next if they have not read your article in the first place. Therefore, insert keywords and phrases in your article to increase your search engine optimization. Increasing your SEO will place your articles higher on search engine result pages and offer you the opportunity to be seen by a lot more visitors.
It is on SERPs that readers will first encounter your article. Once they open your article and begin to read; now you have them where you want them. The key is to get the reader to your conclusion where your call to action is waiting. If your article is interesting and informative they will probably read to the end. The easiest way is to construct your article using simple language and short paragraphs. This way your message stays clear and understandable.
Aim to include newsy information or a point of view that doesn’t get aired too often. If you keep up-to-date with your industry, you should be able to continuously find new information. Your reader is searching online to answer a specific question. You should be able to answer that question in your article. Stick to the point and inform, inform, inform.
After a brief summary in your conclusion, you insert a brief call to action. Tell them what they should do next and where they can do it – on your website of course. A call to action is a tasteful way to encourage your readers to take the next step after just completing your article. This encouragement will dramatically increase your website’s traffic. It is here that you also include a back link to redirect your readers to your website. So your call to action tells your readers what to do next and your back link provides the means for them to carry out your command.

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