
Easy Article Writing – Top 3 Elements

The following article will serve as a step-by-step tutorial for producing high-quality articles. The process consists of 3 parts: Topic Selection, Headline selection and Article Structure.
1) Topic selection: Your topic has to interest your target audience. As a general rule you should always aim to answer questions asked by your customers. For example a newbie SEO enthusiast may be asking questions like “where do you get high quality links?”.
Go to and input the keywords you are targeting. Insert letters “RT” after the query to see the hottest topics. “RT” tells twitter to show topics which are getting retwitted all over the web.
Now go to Yahoo Answers and search for your keywords. You will find the type of questions being asked by your market. There are similar sites such as eHow and Quora. These questions are very relevant. You should always strive to answer them in your articles.
Go to EzineArticles and look in your category. See what others are writing about. To make your job easier grab the RSS feed from the section to inspect the different topics.
2) Headlines selection: 90% of the article’s success depends on the headline. When copywriters write sales pitches, first thing they test is the headline. It should deliver a large dose of curiosity into your reader. Enough to last for at least a couple of paragraphs. Afterwards the quality of your writing will decide the rest.
A good headline formula is (Number) (Adjective) (Things) (Benefits). For example: “7 Easy Steps to Write Grabbing Headlines”. Lists are almost full proof. You notice how often large hubs like use them.
Another great resource is Many PPC experts use Digg to come up with grabbing headlines for their ads. They are in a cut-throat business where a headline can make or break a campaign. Top Digg headlines are good because they only show those that got the most votes.
3) Article Structure: Your articles will almost always fall into one of the following: How to article/Tutorial (step-by-step guide), Series (3 part series on how to build links), Stories, Reviews and Experiences (effective when selling). Do not sound vague. If you want your reader to do something be direct. Say “go to and insert your keyword”, don’t say “you may consider searching for the keyword in a search engine”.
Begin an article with an introduction as to what you will explain. Always break down long sentences into shorter ones. For example.: “I know that there may be a pretty good way to get this done” can be shortened to “I know there’s a good way to achieve this”, 14 words were converted into 9. Remember that a wise man once said: “easy reading is hard writing”. Keep this in mind when writing your articles. In article writing it’s all about what readers want.

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