
Creative Writing- The 5 Key Elements To Prolific Creative Writing

Anyone can be a more prolific and more creative writer than they currently are.
Yes, there are natural talents and abilities that come into play up to a point.
But much of what it takes to be accomplished and prolific in your creative writing can be learnt, practiced and developed.
Some writers may be able to switch their writing abilities on and off like a switch. But for most of us it takes a lot more dedication and focus.
The good news is that we can all improve our creative writing output in both quality and quantity if we pay attention to these 5 key elements:
1. Believing that you CAN be prolific. First and foremost, if you don’t deep down believe that you can write creatively, this limiting belief will severely restrict all your creative writing.
Like a wasp trapped in a jam jar, however furiously you struggle, you’ll be buzzing around in a very limited space. Have an honest assessment of your beliefs around your creative writing, and if necessary, give them a positive tune up.
2. A good supply of ideas. Every book, every article, every poem – everything that’s ever been written – began with an idea. What do you do to ensure you have a steady stream of new ideas to develop in your writing?
The most valuable element of having a good supply of ideas is to catch them as they appear and record them in enough detail so when you return to expand them the essence is strongly there. Use a notebook or voice recorder to do this as they arise.
3. Using regular routines. One of the greatest resistances writers have is to getting into regular routines and ways of working. They feel it’ll somehow stifle their creativity and stop them being spontaneous and free in creating.
The only thing that will restrict your writing is you. Develop regular writing routines and you actually give yourself permission to create more often and more freely.
4. A conducive writing environment. If you come to write at your desk and there’s papers everywhere, you can’t find where your notes are from last time, or there’s stacks of unrelated clutter all around, you’re not going to be inspired to write freely.
You want to be able to come to your writing space and flow straight into writing without any unnecessary physical distractions. Do whatever you need to create a calm space where you can write as easily possible.
5. Learn from feedback. The only way to get better in anything is to do the best you can at this point, then listen to feedback about what was good and what could be improved and act upon that feedback.
Build a support team around you who you trust to give an honest appraisal of your creative writing, while remaining positive and encouraging.
These are the 5 key elements to being a prolific and developing in your creative writing.
Which of them do you have strongly in place already?
And which would it benefit you to spend a little more time and focus on improving?

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