
How To Write Articles And Motivate Your Client To Pay You More

Unfortunately the vast majority of writers’ never manage to sell their work for over $8 for a five hundred word article. The reasons for that are numerous, but they all boil down to the same fact, they have queered their pitch for themselves. If you are fed up of working for sixteen cents a word then read on because you can break that devastating cycle of working for less than you are worth. No matter how you dress up the fact that you need to work for less money – you don’t.
Most writers are self employed and they all have the fear that the work will dry up and they will be left with no money to pay their mortgages, feed their kids, and put gas in their car. Understand that all successful authors have been quivering wrecks about paying their bills. Yet they have all got over that mental barrier.
Yes stop shouting I can hear you, there is a recession out there! Correct there is a recession on, but what has that got to do with the fact that you are underselling yourself. Words are your tools, your tools a weapon in your personal armoury, you can use them to sell yourself or sell yourself short – the choice is entirely up to you.
Imagine words that imply quality, words such as excellence, superiority, hand crafted, value, eminence, distinction, supremacy, reputation and status. Behind all these words is the implicit suggestion that you are offering the client more than just an article. Your client is hiring a ghost writer because they have not got the time or the expertise to do the job themselves. They need articles because they have been conditioned that if they want to sell their product then they must submit articles to article directories and therefore drive traffic to their site.
Why Does Your Client Need You To Write Articles?
Think about that for a second. They desire to make a profit from your articles. Do what you have to do to get the person you are writing for to value you and compensate you according to your talents. It is that simple, there are, there were, and always will be people who will write cheaper than you whether or not there is a recession. A recession is not an excuse, or a reason for you to have to write for a cent a word. You only lower your price because you have lowered your expectations.
If you have lowered your expectations how do you expect a client to value your worth? Price conditioning is imperative, never imply that you work cheap, economically, for a low price, discount price, cut price, thriftily or any other words that imply that you do not value your work or your contribution to making someone else a living.
Writing an article is not rocket science, yet the chasm between a good and a bad article is wider than the Grand Canyon. A good article will bring repeat revenue for a long time. No writer worth their salt would consider writing an article without keywords. Keywords are the corner pin, the raison d’etre of the article, without keywords your article will sink without trace.
This is where perception comes in. Now perception is a funny thing what you perceive as being a fact someone else may dispute. You may think that paying over fifty dollars a head for a dinner out is expensive. Someone else may have just done a deal for ten thousand dollars that day and think a two hundred and fifty dollar dinner is reasonable. Neither of those two people is right or wrong, they are looking at the same thing from a different perspective.
From a psychological point of view perception is many things, it is what we make of things that we see, feel, hear, touch and taste, but it is more than that it is triggered by memories, experiences and emotions. Making something appear expensive without making someone desire it is a sure fire method of losing a client. However make your client think that they cannot afford not to use your services because of the value that you can deliver is another concept entirely.
Making your client believe that you have something that they MUST have is an art and once you have mastered that art they will pay you whatever you desire. For instance state clearly that you work for a fee, a specific sum of money for instance twenty dollars an hour and that each batch of ten articles takes between four to five hours to research. You are stating clearly that you research your articles, but the implication is the fact that others cannot because they are not charging a hundred dollars for ten articles.
Make your client want something so badly that they can reach out and touch it, is a different skill than telling them that they need it. They know they need it, need is logic, wanting it is an emotion. Get that aspect correct and you can charge more for your articles. If you have a desire to earn more then read my web page for simple fast and direct ways to make your writing more powerful and direct.

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