
You Need A Copywriter – (Yes, You Do)

You may ask, “Why should I hire someone to write about my company?” You might think that paying someone for something you could easily do yourself is a waste of time and money, especially if no one else knows your business better than you. Think again.
Good copywriting opens letters, emails, brochures, and it opens the door for you to tell prospects more about your business – it cuts through the clutter and helps you close sales. So with that in mind, is it really that easy to write copy compelling enough to prompt someone to give you a call, stop by your store or visit your website?
Hiring a professionally trained writer will save you time, precious time that you could use focusing on your business, generating leads, building relationships and closing sales. Why would you want to burn that time writing a newspaper ad or press release?
And time is money. Say your time is worth $X an hour (which is probably far more than a copywriter’s hourly rate). And then say you spent four hours writing a brochure and a whole afternoon going back and forth with colleagues second-guessing what you wrote, wondering if it sounds better this way or that, hoping that every sentence is grammatically correct. That’s a lot of money wasted, right?
While we’re on the subject of grammar, you want to make sure that piece of communication you present to the public to be completely error free. Nothing screams “unprofessional” more loudly than an ad or brochure that’s strewn with mistakes. San Antonio-based Copywriter Alan Stewart Carl put it this way: A well-designed but poorly written ad is like chocolate ice cream with sawdust sprinkles.
Trust a professional writer to know the rules inside and out. Not only can they choose words that sing to the consumer, but they can also make sure every noun and verb agrees. Plus they can spot wrong word choices. (Is it compliment or complement? Accept or except? Affect or effect?) And they can smell a typo a mile away. Tapping their knowledge will save you time as well as money in costly revisions and repeat trips to the print shop.
“But wait,” you say. “No one else knows my business more than me.” While that may be true, copywriters are trained to write for a variety of industries. They could write about telecom and travel one week, accounting practices in another and so on. The main thing is they ask questions, gather the information they need and distill everything they find in a thoughtful, concise manner. A copywriter can also see things that you see everyday in a whole new, interesting light. And that insight could translate into a strong message you could be relaying to your customers.
If you value your time, and value your bottom line (and I’m sure you do), you’d hire someone specifically trained to present your business in the most favorable way possible, a copywriter who knows about the power of persuasive writing.

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