
Writing Articles Online – Create An Outline To Transform Your Output

Does walking on a bed of red hot coals seem more appealing than sitting down to write your article? Are you still struggling to overcome bad memories from your creative writing class at school? Would you like to know how one simple method can help with articles online?
The answer is as simple as ABC – create an outline and transform your output!
Having something as simple as an outline in place can really help prepare you and set your mind in gear. Used continually, your outline can become like a template which will whittle the task of down into bitesize chunks. It will turn it into something you can easily do – like filling in a form. Pretty soon you will have the writing process down to a fine art and get it done within a very short time frame.
Transforming your output by creating an outline works in much the same way as a story board. It becomes your blueprint and as you jot your ideas and sentences down, they will lead to the focal point of your article. The outline also helps with the construction process – everything becomes much clearer and you can see where the natural breaks occur between the introduction, middle and conclusion of your article.
So – how do you create your outline for writing online articles?
1) Start with a teaser paragraph, then the body of the article and lastly the conclusion, rounding up all of the above. This enables you to start with first things first and helps with planning successive steps.
2) Brainstorm your thoughts. Use the Who? What? When? Where? How? questions to guide you. Who are you talking to? What do you know that will help them? When can they use your information? Where will it work best? How much is it likely to cost – either in time or money? Write everything down, even if its a jumble – you can cull it all later.
3) Do some research. Create a folder to cut and paste information for use in your article that applies to your niche, product or service. You are looking for interesting and funny accounts or helpful tips and hints that you can rewrite and pass on to your readers.
4) Divide your outline into short paragraphs and sub-titles. Use bullet points or numbering to break up the monotony of block writing. It will help make the appearance more interesting.
5) Read and review your notes. Work out how they make up the whole and go for it – just write! The skeleton is in place and now it is time to add meat to the bones.

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