
FAQ and SAQ Gives You 20 Brand New Articles And More (Repeatable)

Article Marketing requires you to create a high volume of content in the form of articles. So let me introduce you to one of the best article writing templates.
FAQs and SAQs
FAQ and SAQ gives you 20 brand new articles and more. Not just one brand new article, not just two, 20. This templates also gives you a few other things that we’ll talk about here in just a moment.
Now, productivity, being able to create a lot of content as I do every morning is so much easier when you templatize your enterprise. Using templates allows you to be so much more productive, because you don’t have to stare at a blank screen. You’ve got an outline that you just fill it in with your information.
Here is one of the easiest ways to do it. 10 frequently asked questions, that’s the FAQ. List out 10 of the frequently asked questions that you get in your niche. What do people typically ask you by e-mail. What do people ask you when you give presentations when it’s Q&A time. You know the ones. The questions you typically get and you know the answers to.
The next step is 10 should ask questions, SAQs. What the heck is an SAQ? Well, those are questions people should be asking that you know folks should be asking, because of your expertise. Now, list out those questions as well, all 10.
Now it gets even better
The really cool thing to do is take each one of those questions and create a piece of content or an article, as we call them, around that question and the answer. When you do that for 10 frequently asked questions, include the question and include an answer.
You may want to include things like the way other people would answer it and why that’s misleading and wrong, why what you’re saying is the best way to do it and give a few examples. You do that 10 times, you’ve got 10 articles.
Now, do the same exact thing with the 10 questions that people should be asking. What are the questions that you know people should be asking, write out that question, write out the answer, talking about how you would answer that question and why what you’re saying is proven, demonstrated, time-tested.
20 articles in a flash
When you do that you’ve got 20 pieces of content, 20 blog posts, 20 articles right there. Really, if you wanted to you could have 22, here I am overdelivering again, because you could have an article or a piece of content just out of the list of 10. The 10 most frequent questions, and a couple lines of answering them.
Bonus Tip
Now, a couple other places and ways you can use this once you’ve got your 10 frequent questions and your 10 should ask questions, have that as a place on your blog or your website, a page, a link to a page on your blog where people can go and see what the most frequently asked questions are and there’s the answers. It’s going to cut down on a lot of customer service time.
The same thing with the 10 should ask questions. That’ll really set you apart. Very few people do the frequently asked questions, those that do that, hardly anyone does the should ask questions. Have a page for that as well.
Extra Bonus Tip: When you answer those questions on your blog, include a link to a resource of yours that goes deeper into the answer and helps them build a business around the answer to the question. You’ve got a frequently asked question, you’ve got an answer to the question, and a link to one of your resources where people can invest to go even deeper with you. That’s pretty good for 10 frequently asked questions and 10 should ask questions.

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