
Copywriting How To Build A Successful Business In 30 Days Or Less

Want to build a successful copywriting business fast? You can. Indeed, you can do it in a month or less. I’ll show you exactly how to do it in this article. Whether you’re a newbie copywriter or are an experienced pro, get ready to succeed beyond your dreams.
New writers tend to get hung up on trivialities. They over-think everything instead of taking action. Stay focused. Your job is to sell, using words. I’ve been writing copy for decades, so I know it’s easy to get distracted.
For the next month, pay attention to advertising, by focusing on the benefits and the offerings, and you’ll be fine.
Let’s get started.
1. Think Like a Copywriter: Remember the Benefits and the Offer
The first step is the most important. You need to think “benefits and offer” all day every day — it’s the way copywriters think, and you’ve got endless opportunities to practice this.
How? Just look around you. We’re all surrounded by advertising from the moment we open our eyes in the morning until we close our eyes at night.
Pay close attention to advertising, starting now.
2. Find People Who Are Selling: Use Your Local Paper
Now you’ve developed the right mindset (keep paying attention) you’re going to get clients, the easy way.
Forget the Internet for now, and focus on your local area. Grab your local newspapers, and use a highlighter pen to highlight display ads. “Display” ads are the ones which appear in the main body of the paper, using text and images. (Classified ads are smaller, and appear in their own section.)
Study each advertisement. Think. How could you make the benefits better? Can you think of better offers?
Now make a list of the advertisers so you can call them.
3. Pick up the Phone: Communicate
Now you’ve got your list, pick up the phone and call the businesses you’ve just listed. Talk to the managers or marketing managers of the businesses, and tell them you’re a copywriter.
Offer to write an ad for free. Yes, you heard me. Free, gratis and for nothing. Tell them you’re just starting out, and want some testimonials.
4. Keep Communicating and Selling
Here’s a secret. When you’re dealing with businesses in your local area, realize that most have never met a copywriter. In addition, they all think their ads are much too expensive, and want to get more value for their money.
If the ads you write succeed, you’ll succeed. You’ll have a stable of eager clients in less than a couple of weeks.
Copywriting is selling, using words. You’ve got a valuable skill, and your “benefits and offer” practicing constantly builds those skills. Get started today. In less than a month, you’ll be well on the way to being a successful copywriter.

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