
5 Easy Steps To Effective Copywriting And Magnetic Headlines

Effective copywriting is one of the most important aspects of your business and today you’re going to learn a bit about how to craft a headline that draws prospects like a moth to a flame.
As a copywriter it must be your goal to create copy that not only captivates the reader and draws them in to make the final sale. The most important part of the copy that you’re going to create is the headline, but I don’t want you to settle for captivating here…I want you to create a headline that reaches out and grabs the reader by the throat and yanks them into the sales funnel.
If you really want to taste success you either need to master the art of the headline or hire someone that has. I like to think of sales as a battle between the prospect and me and I know that 80% of that battle is won through the power of a headline that can’t be resisted.
Effective Copywriting Using Proven Headline Methods
#1 – Don’t try to Reinvent the Wheel – There are headline formulas that work and have proven themselves for decades. Yes, that’s right boys and girls the public falls for the same old tricks over and over.
Here are just a few of the old reliable favorites that you can use.
Little Known Ways to
Who Else Wants ?
The Secret of
Get Rid of Once and For All
Here is a Quick Way to
Believe me, if these headlines didn’t work we wouldn’t still be using them.
#2 – The Peer Persuasion Illusion – Using quotes around a headline give it power, the power of the illusion of a testimonial. Prospects like to be reassured that they are making the correct decision and adding the quotes makes them believe that they are actually reading something that someone who has used the item has written.
There’s no ethical argument here because you never said that the headline was a testimonial.
#3 – Size Matters – Most inexperienced copywriters seem to think that bigger is better when in actuality…nothing could be further from the truth.
A headline should stand out but it still has to be readable and in scale with the rest of the page.
In my opinion HUGE headlines make a reader see the product as too good to be true and you know the old adage that goes along with that.
#4 – Forget Periods – When we were kids in school we were taught about punctuation. We learned that a period means that we’ve come to the end of a sentence. In a headline a period means that we have come to the end of profits.
Try using “…” at the end of a headline to give the impression that there is more to learn.
#5 – Funnel the Flow – Think of the sales page as a funnel. The object of a funnel is to gather large amounts of something and send it to a designated location.
That is exactly what you are trying to do with your effective copywriting and your headline. You’re trying to gather a large amount of traffic and funnel it down the page with the ultimate goal of reaching the bottom, or at least to a call to action.
Effective Copywriting and Outsourcing
Not everyone can create effective copywriting…some people don’t have the time…others just can’t get their head around it. The solution to both to find an effective copywriting service to create what they can’t or don’t have the time to do.
In order to get highly effective copywriting from a service you should do some research, take a look at other copy that they have written, speak to others who have used the service before, and evaluate their experience and track record.
In many ways the headline is the most important part of any sales copy.
If you can’t get a prospect to read your headline…you are not going to make a sale. Use the tips in this article to improve your headlines or if you don’t have time or just cant get the hang of it get effective copywriting by hiring a professional service with a good track record and plenty of proven experience.

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