
Copywriting Cash Flow – Get More Clients Today

How’s your copywriting cash flow? Unless you’re a proficient marketer, you’ll find that your copywriting career is a constant cycle of feast and famine. This is very common, but there are ways around this.
If you’re stuck in the famine part of the cycle let’s see how you can get more clients today.
1. Go to Where Your Clients Are
Start by going where your clients are. Although I love the Internet, unless you’re already a well-known copywriter finding clients directly on the Internet is difficult. You can spend hundreds of dollars each week in advertising and fail to recoup your advertising costs.
Here’s a tip: your best copywriting clients are local clients. Why? Simply because there’s usually little or no competition.
I always advise my copywriting students to target local businesses: even if you don’t understand a specific business’s industry, you understand their target market and how to approach that market.
2. Take Massive Action (and Keep It up)
You can avoid the feast and famine syndrome if you get into the habit of taking massive marketing action. This means that no matter how busy you are, you don’t slacken up on your marketing.
What do I mean by massive action? I mean whatever you’re doing now, multiply it by 100. That is, if you occasionally cold call businesses, and call around 10 businesses a week, call 1000 a week, starting right now.
No, I’m not joking. If you actually called 1000 businesses this week, you’d find that you have enough copywriting work to keep you busy for six months.
3. Set Financial and Production Goals
You need goals. Please don’t think you can keep your goals in your head. You goals must be written down and they need a deadline — goals without deadlines are called dreams.
Set both financial and production goals.
4. Stay in Charge: Learn to Say “No”
To maintain a consistent cash flow, you need to learn to say “no”. You need to say no to clients who don’t want to pay you a retainer, you also need to say no to clients who don’t pay you within 14 days, as well as to clients who fail to respond to email messages within 24 hours.
Saying “no” doesn’t stop there either. You need to say no to yourself, when you goof off instead of writing.
This is an amazing time to be a copywriter. It’s never been easier to get copywriting jobs. Make the most of the downturn, by taking massive action today.

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