Camping can be lots of fun for anyone who loves the outdoors. But there are things to consider when planning a simple outing for rest and relaxation. For example, having to carry all your camping supplies to the campsite can be a major chore and more effort than they are worth, especially if the hike to the campsite is a long one!
Perhaps you find yourself with a weekend and nothing to do or maybe a weekend when you want to get away and would rather not do much of anything? What would you do? You could pack up the truck and head for the back country. Sitting by a camp fire, listening to the nocturnal symphony of animals and sound of a light breeze through the trees is my favorite thing on a weekend when I need some R&R. So this article is about ideas for an effortless way to camp.
First of all, let’s define the simplified approach to camp outs? When you can drive a vehicle right up to the camp site, that’s called simplified camping. Even if you’re driving a truck it’s still called simplified camping. The advantage of simplified camps versus hard-core camps is that you can take more stuff with you. If you want to take lawn chairs or large grill or a stack of books, you can. Load your car or truck with food, clothing, shelter, bedding, games, and anything else you’d like to take along and get going. It’s just that simple.
So where can you do this kind of camping? National and state parks don’t allow driving your car right up to the campsite except in designated campgrounds. But Other than that, you can “car camp” pretty much anywhere on public lands. The internet is loaded with webpages that can help you find such locations.
Here are some things to considering bringing along when simplified weekend outing: hiking gear, bird watching binoculars and field guide, a radio for music and weather updates, tent, LED Flashlight, sleeping bag, grill, multitools, fire starting gear, lots of food and drink, first aid kit, a stack of reading material – this can also be used for building a fire – such as newspapers and magazines, swiss-army knife, emergency escape tools, digital tire gauge, hammock, dogs and dog food, folding chairs and table, stove, table service and utensils… anything you can fit into the vehicle. Take all that you need to be comfortable. If you don’t have these things, don’t worry about it, all you really need are food, shelter, first aid, and some common sense. Some people actually relax more easily when they keep it simple and bring only what they absolutely must have.
In conclucion, simplified camping is a great way to re-create yourself (that’s why they call it recreation). Take your spouse, your children, your siblings, your friends, or anyone else you’d like to draw closer to. Without the distractions of television, more than one mobile phone (for emergency only), Internet, and alarm clocks, you will have a wonderful weekend. So, get outdoors and re-create yourself and your relationships!
Fitness and Sport
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