
What Is The Recommended Number Of Words For Your Articles

When you start writing an article, there will be several factors that will decide what length it will have. The purpose of the article is one of the most important such factors.
You may be writing articles with a sole intent to create a backlinks flow toward websites that you are promoting. If that is the case and you are writing articles to submit them to article directories, you will do fine if you stick with the number of words recommended by the directories you are submitting to. There are article directories that will allow you to submit an article which have as little as 200 words. However, most of them will require around 250 – 300 words minimum to even consider your submission. Article directory marketing and link building will require a rather massive quantity of submitted articles to yield results. If this is the purpose of your article writing, then you can write articles that are anywhere between 300 and 400 words long.
Your article writing purpose may be to offer a quality content that might be picked by other webmasters, who will choose to include it in their own newsletters and websites. Many webmasters who are resorting to article directories as content resources for their websites, are usually picking articles that have around 500 words. Webmasters will always give advantage to the content that is well written, concise, and not overly long.
You may write articles for direct article marketing, and your intent for them is to be found by the surfers who are looking for some particular keywords, then you shouldn’t pay too much heed to article length recommendations. You should write an article that is as informative and descriptive as it takes to get your point across to the readers. However, it is recommended that you keep a good balance between boring your potential readers with the content that is too lengthy and providing them with information they need.
So, the main factor that will determine the length of your article is its purpose, and you should always keep it in mind when you start writing an article. Whatever your purpose might be, at all costs avoid so called ‘word salads’, type of articles that is easily recognized by its complete lack of tangible sense and flow. Do not write articles for search engines, as your human readers will be repelled by them and your success (if any) with search engines will only be temporary.

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