
The Secret To Sales Success And 5 Key Reasons Why This IS So Important

Want to know how to make your marketing even more effective? Interested in discovering how to get more return on investment for your advertising? Are you wondering why your promotional and marketing materials don’t pack the punch you had hoped they would?
First I’m going to share the secret to sales success. Then, we’ll dive into the 5 key reasons this secret (which really isn’t a secret) is so important. Then maybe you can re-evaluate how you’re handling things.
The secret to sales success is your copy; the written part of any sales, marketing, advertising and promotional materials. That’s right; copy is the KEY component to increasing sales.
The best illustration of how important copy really is was shared by my good friend and mentor Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero. She explains that copy is the DNA of all marketing materials. I have to agree.
Imagine stripping all of your marketing materials of words. How well would your website, brochure, print ads, sales letters, press releases or broadcast scripts work without words? Not very well.
Here’s one of the biggest mistakes I see business owners making. Sometime you’re tight on time, maybe your deadline is rapidly approaching, and you don’t really want to write your copy. So, you either hire a mediocre copywriter at the last minute or you stuff your campaign (if we can even call it a campaign) full of fluff that merely fills space. Then you wonder why nothing happens… I’m really not trying to pick on you here. We’ve all done it. But, it really has to stop if you want to succeed.
Listen, you are not alone and honestly I know how busy you are. Sometimes you simply don’t have the time to do everything you have to do in your business. This includes paying closer attention to your marketing materials. We all wear multiple hats and one of the most important is the marketing hat. So, why is it we allow ourselves to neglect this important role?
There are 5 key reasons your copy is the most important aspects of your sales success.
1) Although it’s been said a picture is worth a thousand words, a picture alone isn’t going to sell very effectively. Your products or services (or more aptly put, solutions) need to be supported with clever copy. It’s, of course, a great idea to include artwork in your ads but it’s vital to REALLY focus on painting the big picture with wordsmithing talents.
2) Your copy is WAY more than just words. You cannot simply throw just any words into the mix and expect to make sales. Your words (copy or content) need to be carefully selected to build consumer trust, loyalty and ultimately win sales.
3) Your copy is all about relationships. The days of the hard-sell are over. Consumers are savvier than ever. They want more and they expect more. By carefully crafting your copy to build relationships you’re one step closer to closing the deal.
4) Your copy is an extension of you and your business. Think about that for a minute. What you say is just as important as how you say it. What are you saying?
5) Your copy allows you to offer a solution and really make a difference. When you approach your copy with a new attitude of service and sharing it’s easier to offer the solutions your customers are looking for.
I firmly believe everyone in business should have a solid grasp of the importance of copy regardless of if you plan to write it yourself or not. This means doing a little research, choosing mentors to study, paying close attention to what works with your copy and finally choosing the right copywriter for your business needs.
Your copy counts and actually your sales count on your copy. Speak directly to your core customer in language that motivates action and increases results. What is your copy saying? Take a minute to review your marketing today.

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