
How Writing Articles Will Help Your Blog

Writing online articles is both fun and challenging and this can take up a lot of your time, but if you have a drive to write, you will find success. There is one place where you can gain more success in this writing business and that is by writing articles with your blog in mind.
By this you need to focus your writing on what, you as the writer, know best, and often it is how to write or how to edit or some sort of valuable and useful points that other writers can learn from. This means that you need to focus on your work. You also need to look for reasons to write.
Below is a list of three points that will help you focus your articles to the point that they will not only increase traffic to your blog but make you money on your blog. Everything works together, and that is the point many writers must bear in mind.
1) Keep within your blogs topic: If your topic is about making money online, your articles need to be about making money online. The same idea holds true for most of the other topics. If you have other topics, but do not deal with them specifically on your blog, an online article can have your link pointed to your work and you will find an increase in traffic this way.
2) Writing for your readers: This is one thing which many writers often forget, writing articles are meant for your readers and as a writer you can add a link to your blog in the author resource box later. This is important in that it showcases your writing and does not look overly promotional. Some sites will only allow you to put a certain number of links into your author resource box or the entire article in general. This is a must know fact, since if your work is rejected on these grounds it can be harder to get traffic to your blog from these articles.
3) Update your blog: This is the most important fact if you write an online article, you will need to update your blog. If your blog is not updated then you will find that your work will get the link to your blog, but you will find that since there are few updates there is more of a chance that people will look and leave. So, the quick fix is to write an article and then

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