
How To Write More Articles More Quickly

If you are looking to increase your productivity as an article writer, it’s important to know that there are some useful tips that will help you do just this. Whether you are a blogger, article marketer or freelance writer, you can learn to write more articles more quickly.
Have you ever sat there staring at a blank document trying to create a new blog post or article? Maybe you’ve started an assignment and now you just don’t know where to go with it. These are common problems that writers of all types face. However, there are some tips you can learn to help you muddle through the writing process and when things get tough, you can just refer to your list of steps to take and find yourself able to write more articles more quickly.
Write More Articles More Quickly with a Plan
Here are some tips:
1. Do your research first. Researching for an article can be distracting to the writing process, especially if you are researching online. So take time to sit and research first, and then devote your writing time just to writing. If you discover something that you missed in your research, make a note of it and come back to it after you have completed everything else that you can write.
2. Close out your other applications. If you have your email, instant messenger or other tools or applications open, even just the Web browser, it’s going to distract you from writing your article. Instead, use them as inspiration and motivation. For example, allow yourself to check your email after every 2 articles you write. Or turn your messenger back on once you have completed 5 for the day.
3. Create a schedule. This might also involve setting a timer by which to follow in writing the article. Determine how much time you need to write the article and then add time to it for selecting an image, including links if needed and creating your headline. Add this time together and set the timer. Complete your article by the time to timer goes off.
4. Don’t forget to proofread. An important part of the process is to proofread at least once before you post or submit your article. You don’t want any careless mistakes to make their way to the final publication. Edit until you are completely satisfied. Editing and writing are two different processes so you may want to write batches of articles, such as 3 or 5, and then do all the editing for them after all the writing is complete.
If you write articles as part of a full time income, you need to learn to write faster, without sacrificing the quality of the content you create. When you follow these tips, you will be able to write more articles more quickly. Whatever your purpose in writing the articles, you will find results that you can see.

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