
What Is A Copywriter And What Does A Copywriter Do

What exactly is copywriting?…and what’s in it for me?
It seems it’s mostly successful big business people that know what copywriting is.
Put simply, copywriting is cleverly chosen, creative, memorable and insightful business writing, presented meticulously for carefully planned and select media. Written in a finely honed style, for specific reasons, with the end goal of communicating and selling your products and services to a targeted chosen demographic – your customers.
“Advertising, marketing, internet marketing, social media marketing, public relations, publicity, marketing strategy, ghostwriting, blogs and e-books – all require and provide for the client, the clients story communicated attractively and seductively to the buying public.”
It’s the easiest way to share what our industry actually does for it’s clients. Done well, it really truly works too.
When I look inside myself, at my job as a copywriter and truly care for my clients and their products, services and company, I see a very real passion, a purpose – let’s call it my drive. A very real passion and purpose to help you “simply” sell what you do, in the best possible and cost effective ways. That’s my sole mission for you.
In doing this,
looking from a big picture perspective, – we are doing what we do best and what you the client, has come to us to do for you anyway. It’s here though – I find I face a challenging choice…
Now do I take the easy road? By giving you only what you asked for. For example – 5 pages of web copy, a short internet film script and a couple of promo publicity pieces in a relevant magazine – within an acceptable time frame…
Which – (taking a short turn to make a couple of quick dot points) – usually consists of…
1) Researching and Empathising With You – The Client – and Your Target Market.
Getting to know and understand the client, their company and products as if they are a best friend. We like to know how your buyers feel about what you do. We can market you in many different ways and in different spaces – to cause you and your products to rip and buzz! We prefer to use the products we write about because it places us in a position to best understand their best real assets, short comings, emotional sales value, technical benefit value and a whole bunch of other things. We can come to have a relationship with the products and services we are selling – like the buyers will. We can go to great lengths to understand your customers, clients and buyers. This helps us create top quality copy writing and marketing communications strategy to move your product.
2) Researching Your Competition.
Making mental, emotional, rational, scribbled or drawn notes on the rest of the industry and the products or services they belong to, so we can bring this back to writing your campaign in a thoroughly informed way.
3) The Creative Investigation and Exploratory Phase.
Brainstorming. Mind mapping. Intuition. (Possibly only an amalgamation of past experiences with great work assimilated through our feelings, rational and imagination.) Various Starts. Middles. Finishes. Unique Sales Propositions. Technical selling propositions. Emotional Selling propositions. Tag Lines. Targeting the main potential client base. Other methods of persuasion. Following hunches. (Summoning the creative gods onto the page, so to speak.) Weighing all this up against each other. Hiding this potentially confusing process from the client and simply delivering the results.
4) Finally, Making the Tough Decisions and Finalising the Writing.
Completing the job you asked for, to the very word of the brief, for the media at hand, targeted to your clientele, with our freshly found creative ideas, as inventively and persuasively as we possibly can and get it all in by our agreed reasonable deadline.
You’re probably saying, wow, I never knew it took all that!
Well yes, to do it right, it does, but it’s our job. To give you our best possible work. Which is what you should want to make the most sales with the work we do for you. Else we could simply give you anything, most people don’t understand the difference between quality work and work, but the end results are somewhat telling.
While doing processes 1 to 4 above for you…
We often get to know your product even better than you know it yourself (amazingly enough). So now, do I also reveal to you these creative something extras we discover? Those other stories (short or long) we know would sell and sell big after weighing everything up in certain different forms of media?
Isn’t that our job as well? Isn’t that what any client would want? For us to serve them, by selling them, as best we can. One would hope so.
This is all pretty much a condensed report of big picture thinking stuff. It’s what marketing strategy is all about and it’s a very valuable tool for any highly successful business marketing.
“It’s about getting from A to B in the most economical time and cost.”
For example we discover a load of Public Relations (PR) angles… Say, enough for an entire campaign. Do we tell you? Of course we do. Or for example – if you and what you do seems perfectly suited to something else we know would produce extra sales, an increased awareness and ultimately greater desire for your product and services? Would you want us to tell you?

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