
Creative Writing Notes And Checkpoints

Creative Writing Challenges
Creative writing is a much more mind intensive activity as compared to other forms of writing. Generally, writing by itself requires various degrees of thinking but creative writing calls for a particularly complex level of thinking. Whether, it is a work of fiction or non-fiction, you have to be able to get your creative juices flowing to produce a good if not a great piece of work. The first challenge is how to get the creative juices flowing off your hands. The best way is to write and keep on writing. It does not make sense? Not even relevant? Never mind. Once the creative juices are free flowing, the next challenge is to harness your thoughts, get them organized and eensure that they are expressed with as much clarity as possible.
Moving On With the Writing
Commit to writing as much as you possibly can on a daily basis. This can be broken up into a number of sessions. Write, write a bit more and write some more. How long should each session last? One hour? Two? Let your hand and mind dictate how much and how long you should write per session.
When you hit a block, a writer’s block that is, you can either take a break and come back after a short breather or overcome it by writing about something else. It may not even be relevant to your story but do not let that be a bother. You do this just to get the flow unclogged. If you need to take a break, keep it short. A prolonged break makes it so much more difficult to take-off from where you left-off.
When you take a break, you do not have to be neat and tidy about when or where to stop. Stopping in the middle of a sentence is recommended as you can come back and just go on and finish the sentence. Re-connecting is easier as you do not have to think of a new sentence. However, you need to be comfortable with your breaks and re-connections.
In creative writing, you may have observed the above and all other tips as well as guidelines towards completing your work. However, the quality of your work would very much depend on two critical checkpoints. They are particularly critical in creative writing as your mind is so engrossed with the plot and sub-plot as well as all the other elements, that details tend to be overlooked.
First Critical Checkpoint – Editing
As you write your story, it would be helpful to review it in parts. But once you have completed it, you need to review the written work as whole with a view to making as much improvement as you can make. Is the story line being locked-in and flowing as intended? Is the story unfolding in the manner envisioned? Is there anything impeding the flow? Can it be removed? If not, how can it be improved?
Second Critical Checkpoint – Proofreading
This is where your check and re-check for any errors either in spelling or grammar. It is best that you correct the errors as you spot them. Doing it later becomes more difficult as you may overlook the errors due to being familiar with them. Though you can proofread your own work, it is best that you get someone else to do it too. Authors know what they want to write. They write what they thought they wanted to write, make a mistake with what they actually wrote and yet may not be able to spot their mistake.
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