
Create Software Solutions Faster with Text to Software .

Building software applications takes time and money that many businesses simply cannot afford to spend. At the same time, it is important to be wary of the risks of outsourcing and various other ways of saving money and decreasing the turnaround time. Fortunately, there is another solution and one that is extremely innovative and effective in developing fully functional software in minimal time. SageTea Software is the developer of the revolutionary Text to Software platform, a solution designed to automate almost the entire process of developing software applications. With no additional programming required, businesses can use Text to Software to define, implement, evaluate and create highly customized software applications tailored to the precise needs of their users.

Imagine for a moment that you have a business concept that only exists in writing or a legacy application that needs updating. By using Text to Software, is it possible to literally translate such content into a fully functional system with minimal user intervention required. The main advantage is that the time it takes to produce the required software is greatly reduced due to the fact that minimal traditional programming is required. In other words, this solution transforms a concept into things like screens, logic or databases with data being stored in a powerful new and patent-pending format called SAGETEA after the developers of the software. This format uses a straightforward 7-table schema for easy customization and much more.

The 7-table database schema is somewhat analogous to the MP3 format of music, yet instead designed for SQL databases. Anyone who has worked in the world of information technology will know that the majority of commercial projects consist of hundreds or even thousands of database tables. However, with Text to Software at their disposal, it is suddenly possible to translate these into seven database tables. The result is that the database maintenance costs are greatly reduced, retrieving data is much faster, data is easier to find, and dealing with any bugs is far easier and quicker. Compared to traditional software development solutions, Text to Software practically eliminates the risk of human error, greatly reduces the delivery time and development costs and helps to achieve a consistent design quality throughout.

The whole concept behind SageTea Text to Software is to automate the more routine and competitive areas of software program; those that also tend to take the most time. In other words, users will be able to type in their requirements in human-readable language without having to get involved with the intricacies and complexities of programming languages. The result is a complete business-grade database application that requires minimal maintenance and is easier to work with. In terms of functionality, the end result is identical to a typical vast database containing enormous amounts of information, yet it is much faster and more user-friendly.

The 7-table system basically converts business requirements that are written in English into a special computing model, and in turn, a fully functioning application that should be ready to use right away. You can learn more at .

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