
It’s The Words On Your Website That Will Pull In The Profits

From a writer’s standpoint, it’s amazing how many people, when starting to create what they hope will be a money-making website, completely forget that it’s using the right WORDS that will earn them money online – not a snazzy design or the latest flash gimmicks.
After all, to create a website that will be noticed, it’s the right keywords that will draw customers. And the website’s Headline relies on words that will grab attention to what’s being promoted. Also, the wording on the all-important first paragraph is what will get the reader’s interest. The call to action that gets clicks to an order page needs the right words, as well!
Finding the right words – starting with keywords
Finding keywords is about the only area of Webwriting where being able to write well is not essential. It’s more about
• knowing about your target market, and what words they might use to search for the item or service you’re selling
• it’s being clever with the many helpful tools available on the ‘Net (like Google’s keyword finder, etc) to find the most searched for words and phrases concerning your subject
• it’s also about working out how and where to use those words, because spending time on compiling a best keywords list will pay handsomely!

Grabbing attention with the right Headline wording
Creating the right Headline is where it does help to have some Copywriting or Webwriting experience, when writing for the web. But the strategy is reasonably straightforward: Successful headlines depend largely on immediately inferring a benefit that the target market would respond to. (Including some best keywords in the headline is also important.)
Finding the best benefit words for your headline can be speeded up by utilizing the following concepts. Think of words that:
• suggest (and promise to solve) a problem that your known targets are likely to have or –
• are based on a ‘physical’ benefit, like ‘New software now automates time-consuming list-management in one click…’
• or think of a ‘psychological’ benefit that relates to your target’s fears or emotions, like ‘Don’t get penalised by not having the correct facts about the latest FTC Rulings…’
Your next step is to construct a copy plan. Here’s where –
Using a tried and tested copy planning system – based on a simple sequence, known as the ‘A.I.D.A principle’ – can work well:
1. ‘A’ for getting ATTENTION! That’s the main job of your Headline…
2. ‘I’ for creating INTEREST. Your all-important 1st paragraph should get your reader interested, and wanting to read more. (It should also contain more of your best keywords). Writing in a conversational tone will help – as will a Free Gift as an incentive.
3. ‘D’ for DESIRE. Build it up with Sub-Heads, Bullet Points, Testimonials (if possible) and Links to side panels building up more benefits, asking and answering questions, and emphasizing a saving/offer/gift, and maybe a Guarantee, plus a Pre-Order Panel, with ‘reasons why’ (they should order/respond).
4. ‘A’ for ACTION! The main reason for your Website! You need wording that will convince them to buy, sign up, or ask for more information – through a powerful ‘Call To Action’ that emphasises the Free Gift, the ‘Special Offer’ or time-limit to respond. ‘Here’s how you can get… right now – at a saving of 25% if you act quickly!’
Of course, you also need an attractive Order or Sign-Up page, as well – with persuasive and appealing copy too. Such is the importance of Words!

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