In this day and age where the majority of the population believes in reducing waste and upcycling, repurposing old things for new uses is a big trend. People nowadays are getting creative when using old window frames resulting in amazing upcycled decor.
With a little help, a splash of inspiration, and a long list of ideas you can turn an old window frame into the following repurposed pieces:
1. Headboard
Old window frames that are still sturdy but have a used and rustic look make perfect headboard pieces. Simply clean out the window panes, wipe away any dirt from the frame and use strong screws to put them in place.
2. Wall Mirror
Add some flair to your wall mirror and buy an antique window frame to hold it. The small touch of detail will add to the overall look of the room. The next time you buy window frame mirrors, find one that is upcycled to give it that naturally weathered look.
3. Cork Board
Replacing the old window panes with corkboard will transform it into a board where you can pin reminders. The new corkboard window can be placed on the work table or screwed to the wall of the home office.
4. Chalkboard Calendar
Another fantastic use for old window frames with broken panes is to turn it into a chalkboard calendar. Take out the glass pane and put small chalkboards where they used to be and you have yourself a chalkboard calendar.
5. Stained Glass Art
If the option to buy an antique window frame isn’t available yet, turning old windows into stained glass art gives a nice accent to a home as well.
6. Bathroom Wall Cabinet
Repurpose old windows by using them for the bathroom wall cabinet. This way you can keep all the bathroom essentials in one cabinet and see everything without having to open the cabinets one by one.
7. Greenhouse
The glass on the windows and the frame’s structure makes them the perfect material to use for building a small greenhouse. Just make sure you have more than enough to build one that can fit more than just one plant.
8. Jewelry Organizer
Make use of the old window frame by turning it into a jewelry organizer. You can opt to remove all the glass panes and use several hooks so that your jewelry will never get tangled again.
9. Bathroom Mirrors
When opting to buy antique mirrors also look for matching pieces that can be placed inside the bathroom. These don’t have to be as big as the ones in other rooms, a small mirror is more than enough for the bathroom.
10. Family Portrait Frame
Use the old window frame for your family portrait as a remembrance from the time your family lived in your old home. It’s a sweet tribute and keepsake to have with you from your previous house.
11. Cabinet Doors
Kitchen cabinets made with using old window frames allow you to quickly see where everything is located when you need them.
12. Family Chore Board
Assign work and chores for everyone in the family using the newly upcycled chore board that was once a window frame.
13. Coffee Table
Window frames with strong glass panes can be transformed into a coffee table. It’s a great way to incorporate repurposing into your home decor choices.
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