
Foot Elevation, Really Putting Your Feet Up

It is a little known fact that standing or sitting all day is actually bad for your legs and feet.
It causes swollen feet and legs in many people. By sitting and standing during the day, circulation problems can be caused. Additionally, many people report getting athlete’s foot and smelly feet. Walking is highly beneficial to prevent this, but putting your feet up is just as important to have healthy feet and legs.
Just 10 minutes of foot elevation every day can make all the difference. You need to put your feet at a height of at least 6 inches above your heart level.
You can also do this in your sleep, by raising one end of your bed.
Support stockings can also be very beneficial. Thanks to products like no show socks, these aren’t ugly or unsightly anymore. You can prevent problems like loafer socks in order to avoid developing lymphodema.
Keeping our blood circulation fully functional is down to our arteries, veins and lymphatic system. Swelling in the legs is often caused by a poorly developed or even blocked lymphatic system. You can get relief from this by using footies, compression socks and custom-built pumps. In extreme cases, the only option is to go for surgery.
This is why, if you notice your feet swell, particularly on one side only, you must seek medical advice and start wearing toms.
If you sit for long periods, you should also elevate your feet. Furthermore, you have to make sure that your feet are comfortable by wearing footwear like boat shoes. This should also stop smelly shoes from developing. Do also make sure that your position is ergonomically smart when you sit. This will help to protect your veins. You should notice that putting your feet up feels good immediately. You should notice that there is less pressure in your legs and feet, which may make you feel more relaxed as well. Your lymphatic system will kick in immediately and your blood will flow much better. This has benefits for your entire body. If you are lucky enough to have a partner, you could ask him or her to give you a nice foot massage as well. This will provide you with even greater relief and relaxation.
The important thing is to realize that putting your feet up is not a sign of laziness. You are simply caring for your feet and entire body. This is why you should also focus on your socks and footwear, because they support you during the day. The health benefits of this really cannot be denied.

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