
Ways That You May Be Unwittingly Damaging Your Skin

Do you realize that there is a big probability that you’re hurting your skin without realizing it?
These are some of the common habits of people that lead to ugly and unhealthy skin. See which one is yours.
Smoking is bad not just for the skin but for the whole body as well. Everyone knows the detrimental effects of cigarettes. It can cause diseases like emphysema and lung cancer. Throat cancers are also a possible effect.
On the surface, cigarettes has unwanted effects on the skin. Studies have shown that cigarettes brings horrible effects on the skin as opposed to sun exposure. It can cause the skin age prematurely. Smoker lines, those found around the mouth, are common just like crows’ feet.
Smoking takes away from the skin’s moisture and can reduce its elasticity. It also delays wound healing, which raises the risk for infection. It also contributes to the development of leg ulcers. Smokers also have higher risks for psoriasis, a skin condition where the skin creates flakes that are itchy and, sometimes, inflamed.
What’s even more disturbing is that smokers have twice the risk of acquiring skin cancers. It’s believed that 75percent of oral cancers are attributed to smokers.
Working over time
Overtime work means less time to rest. To keep good-looking skin, it is essential to get ample sleep. The body heals itself during sleep. Plus, insufficient sleep can double the skin’s age, based on findings.
A study conducted at the Skin Study Center at University Hospitals Case Medical Center found that females who don’t get ample sleep showed symptoms of premature aging and that they don’t recover from sunburns as quickly as they need to.
So doing over time work all the time will deprive you of that much-needed shut eye and, at the end, damage your skin.
Eating takeout foods
Takeout foods do a lot in the way the skin looks. Anything you eat will affect how you look. Junk foods and other unhealthy stuff don’t have essential nutrients that the skin needs, like retinol, beta carotene, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, silica, and Vitamins C and E.
These all play a crucial role in making the skin hydrated, elastic, and free from cell damage caused by free radicals.
Chugging more carbonated drinks than water
We all know what sodas can do to the body. They can load more pounds and even help cause illnesses like diabetes. Research have found that these carbonated cause the body more harm than good and it can also make your skin look ugly.
For one, these cause cell damage. Ingredients in diet softdrinks, like potassium benzoate, have been found to cause damage and are considered as mild irritants to the skin.
More importantly, having too much carbonated drinks would mean you drink less water. Water plays a huge role in keeping skin young-looking and healthy. The skin needs water to remain supple and resistant to fine lines.
For you to keep skin looking glowing and healthy, ensure that you are more aware of your habits. Stop these bad habits and start taking better care of your body now.

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