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5 Most Common Causes Of Lawn Damage And How To Prevent Them

Lawns that start to look patchy and dark brown aren’t nice to see. There are even some neighborhoods that fine homes that have unkempt and damaged lawns as it brings down the total value and appeal of the area. While homeowners don’t necessarily want their lawn to look worse for wear, sometimes it happens.

These are the most common causes of lawn damage and suggestions on how to treat and prevent them before the damage spreads:

1. White Grub Larvae

Chafer beetles are notorious when it comes to damages lawns. During their breeding season, the adult beetles will lay eggs in the soil which is the perfect condition for their eggs to hatch. The moment the larvae are born, they will begin to consume the underground parts of the grass which will result in withered and dead tops.

The best remedy for this issue is to catch the infestation early and flush all the eggs and larvae out with regular watering. However, in cases where the infestation has flourished, sometimes there is no other choice but to use chemical control products such as Imidacloprid.

2. Brown, Dry, And Patchy Grass

Dry and brown grass may not look very serious, but it will transform a magnificent lawn into an eyesore. There are many causes for brown and dry grass, one common reason is excessive foot traffic either from humans, animals, or even vehicles.

Scheduling a professional annual aeration session will help reduce the brown spots. However, installing a footpath using stones or a grass grid is also an effective, long-term, and cheaper alternative.

3. Circular Dead Spots

Homes that have several pets such as cats and dogs will often see circular dead spots forming on their lawn. If the dead spots do not spread and seem to only stay in one area, the most likely culprit or culprits are your pets. Pet urine has a very strong ammonia content which will kill the grass.

Soaking the spots with water will help the grass to grow back in place, but it is better to keep your pets off the lawn. Train your pets to urinate in a different area, away from the grass to prevent future circular dead spots from forming on the lawn.

4. Compacted Soil

Over time, the soil where grass grows will eventually become compacted making it hard for water and fertilizer to reach its roots. This will weaken the grass, allowing for weeds to take over.

Regular soil aeration is a good solution for this issue as well as installing a grass grid or a stone footpath to minimize compaction, or at the very least delay it. The less foot traffic the lawn sees, the healthier it will remain for the year.

5. Too Much Shade

Yes, too much shade will also damage your lawn. Cutting the surrounding trees will also cause some damage which is why it is best to plant shade-resistant grass species. Schedule regular high hedge trimming and only prune trees during the early spring before the peak of its growth to avoid over-pruning it the rest of the year.

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