
Summertime celebrations. Fireworks, parties, barbeques,special occasions, family time and holidays..

Ok, let this event begin. What do you really need to make you celebration the best it can be? Fireworks! As the day turns to night, we light up the skies with an outstanding fireworks display of our own. We start our show with one of those 500 gram safe and sane fountain that shower sparks and spews what looks like lava out of the top of this massive device. It is the longest lastest single item in our display.

After the lava spewing stops, we move on to the pre loaded what is called a “reaper” shell. These are amazing single shot fireworks that would compare to those that they shoot downtown at the 4th of July celebrations. Securing a dozen of these shells on a board, we light each one individually. The loud thump that they make coming of the tube tells one this is going to be good. As these shells soar high into the sky they discharge a wide display of peonies or crackles. Some with fill the sky with a brocade effect as my crowd is impressed with our selection of fireworks items so far.

Time to pick up the pace with what is called a “repeater” cake. These are multiple shot boxes with many effects all in one. We light one fuse and let the show begin. Some of these fireworks devices will shoot out an array of effects including that of a sprinkler on the lawn. Showers of crackles go high into the air with a explosion of colors and reports at the end. The report being the “bang” at the end of the discharge. As the event picks up speed, the size of the effects in the sky increases in size. The thumb coming from the cake type device increases in volume. The fireworks display become more appealing the farther into the event. The crowd shows excitement as the pace picks up.

At this point, the thumps and roaring sounds increase even louder as the shooting racks discharge what is known as artillery shells. The speed of the our fireworks show has increased dramatically at this point. The artillery shells are fused together so they are igniting one right after the other. The spectators start to whisile and clap has the pace of our fireworks display moves into the finale mode. Rack after rack of mortar type shells fill the sky. With all the affects accompanied by a report at the end. It sounds like we have entered into a war zone. Booms and bangs, flickers and flashes of neon colored lights in the sky. You can actually feel the release of energy from the crowd at this point. It becomes such a relaxing feeling to most who enjoy fireworks. The stress of everyday life dissappears from the ordinary routine. The faces of those around us shows smiles of joy and happiness. From the youngest to the very oldest in the crowd, you can see enjoyment in their faces and the glimmer in their eyes.

Take in a fireworks show for you summertime event. Release you inter feeling and enjoy what people live for. If you cannot find a fireworks show near you, make your own.

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