
Why Pay for Prescription Drugs When You Can Lower Cholesterol Naturally?

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  • September 7, 2012

If you are wondering how to lower cholesterol naturally and avoid prescription medication, you should follow the helpful tips below.

First of all, make sure you take the correct tests to measure your cholesterol. If you don’t ask for a specific check-up, the results will offer just general info about your cholesterol level, not the type of it. To better understand what we’re saying: you can have high cholesterol and be in perfect health, if the LDL particles in your body are low.

Now that we’ve cleared this up, let’s get to the dieting information and find out how to lower cholesterol naturally. First off, you need to keep in mind that fibers, phytonutrients and omega 3 are mandatory, but glucose consumption should be reduced as much as possible.

Here are the top foods you should include in your cholesterol meal plan:

– As they are rich in fibers and also provide the necessary energy to get you through the day, oats are perfect for a breakfast meal;

– Baby spinach and egg yolks, besides bringing your cholesterol at a safe level, can also prevent the risk of developing eyesight and muscle problems;

– Between meals, you can eat a delicious snack including red Cencibel grapes, or, in the evening, you can forget about your stressful day with some Cencibel grape wine; you should know that these grapes may be a little difficult to find in some areas of the world, but they will really change your health state for the better;

– Fish, such as salmon, sardines and herring, are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and very effective in reducing cholesterol levels in a natural manner;

– Nuts such as almonds, cashews and walnuts, consumed in moderation, can make very nice snacks and are beneficial for people with high cholesterol levels;

– In case you want to lower cholesterol naturally, don’t miss out on beans: they are healthy and rich in fibers, and also help you feel full fast;

– Black tea – it is highly recommended due to its ability to lower blood lipids;

– Since people with cholesterol problems have greater chances of developing heart and circulatory system issues, it is recommended to eat some dark chocolate once in a while, as it reduces the risk of suffering from such conditions.

– Margarine, a great replacement for butter, contains plant sterols and helps inhibit cholesterol absorption.

– If you seek to lower cholesterol naturally, you should also consume avocado, but only once in a while and not too much of it, as it can add to your caloric intake to a large extent.

– Eat at least 4 garlic cloves a day, as it is good for technically any health issue, including high cholesterol levels.

– Olive oil can be used to cook chicken or fish, used as dressing for various salads and for cooking vegetables in a multitude of ways.

So you know what you should eat, but you must also find out how to eat.

– Your weekly meat consumption should add up to at most a quarter of the amount of vegetables you eat.

– Fat and skin must be taken off from poultry or meat.

– You can eat dairy products, but check the label first to see if they are fat free.

– Salt is bad for health in general, including for cholesterol, so make sure to use as little as possible.

You found out all you need about how and what to eat; now you have to combine this with regular workouts and proper rest. That will certainly have an amazing impact on your health and help you avoid medication and lower cholesterol naturally.

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