
Anonymous Web Browsing Simplified

One of the biggest complaints many people have about the Internet is the lack of privacy. No matter which site you visit someone is likely to be collecting information about you, including your geographic location and your IP address. Marketers use this information to track unique visitors and to target you with more “personalized” offers but any time faceless, nameless entities start collecting data on us we should be concerned. For some people, including investigators and researchers, staying under the radar of these information collecting methods is essential. And anonymous web browsing is available now but sometimes requires more effort and takes more experience than all of us available. But that doesn’t mean our browsing activities should be an open book.

Taking the Stealth Approach

Traditional methods of anonymous web browsing make some Internet users feel like secret agents being chased by the bad guy. To lose them, they have to go down back alleys, make quick turns, and dart down one street after another to conceal their identity. That’s basically the same thing savvy administrators do when they want to hide their identity while surfing the Internet. They have to take roundabout ways of avoiding detection. They know how to do it, but it takes a lot of time and trouble.

Another drawback is that not everyone has that skill set even though they may need the benefits of anonymous web browsing. What options does that leave open?

Of course, some people might even wonder why it matters. Your name is not collected, right? But your IP address is a unique identifier connected directly to your computer, combined with your location information and your browsing patterns; you make yourself a great target for marketing and advertising you don’t want.

Furthermore, there is the issue of privacy. Do you want other people to be able to follow you around to every web site you visit? Do you want them to combine those sites with your IP address and to share them with people from all over the world who can use that information for any purpose they wish without your knowledge? Many users value the security of their system and their users’ privacy to permit that to happen.

A Powerful, Secure Solution

The answer is Mask Surf Pro. This software was developed to make anonymous web browsing much easier to achieve for users at any level but also comes with advanced features that will be appreciated by more experienced users.

Mask Surf Pro is powered by Tor, which is a complex open source project designed to increase surfer security. Tor includes encrypted tunnels and other elements that make it easier to disguise your identity from those information collectors than ever before. You can even select a fake country as your place of origin so you don’t even have to give away the country where you live. That’s anonymity.

Most importantly, this program provides an easier to use solution that result in greater security and privacy while surfing the Internet. You can browse with confidence knowing your information is not being collected and shared by people you don’t know, for purposes you have not approved.

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