
methods on the best way to shave properly

Getting a soft and clean shave is not difficult these days because the market is chock full of good quality shaving accessories and products. This is why a growing number of men these days look ahead to the fun routine task of shaving with cool razors, brushes, smooth shaving gels and wonderful antioxidant-packed aftershave balms. In fact, with the right shaving strategies, you no longer need to put up with daily bumps, redness, razor burns and nick and cuts related to shaving.

1. Avoid making use of blunt blades because that might bring about skin irritability and cuts. You should use a razor that has sharp blades. It is generally good to switch out your blade once every seven days while some men change blades even after four or five shaves.

Some men consider replacing blades every week as a waste of money. But it isn’t so. It really saves you a great deal of discomfort. Do not use cheap plastic throw-away razors. A razor with a well-balanced nicely weighted handle is what you should use for regular shaving.

2. Many guys are inclined to use fingers to lather up. This is not correct. You need to be using a quality shaving brush. This is perhaps the best step you could take to improve your shaving results and prevent shaving irritations. Use a shaving brush as well as lukewarm to hot water (not scalding water) to lather-up the shaving lotion, cream or soap. To get a good shave, you only require a thin and even coating of lather over the skin. If the lather is excessive, it can cause the razor blades to get blocked up and the results may not be good.

3. The main benefit of using shaving brush for lathering is the fact that it lifts the beard and softens the facial hair. Consequently you will get a close and neat shave. Furthermore, skin discomfort and razor burns could be avoided to a considerable extent. After working with the shaving brush, make certain that it is properly rinsed with fresh water.

4. A large number of men find it comfortable and better to shave during or after a shower. The facial hair gets softened by the warm water. This makes the razor to work better and thus you have a clean shave. For an effective shave, expose your face to three to five minutes of mild steam and water before shaving. But if you are in a rush and don’t have enough time for that, just splash some luke warm water on you face and thoroughly wet the beard before shaving.

5. Using soft light strokes, just slide your razor in the direction of hair growth. Don’t put too much pressure on the razor as it only leads to unnecessary scraping of your skin. The spots where you have got thick hair growth must be done lastly because the shaving cream will have additional time to soften the hair. To improve results, frequently rinse your blade in hot water.

6. Don’t buy a low quality shaving cream or gel simply to reduce expenses. Check the ingredient listing of the shaving cream and ensure that it contains superior ingredients. Some substances such as camphor, mint, sodium hydroxide, alcohol and potassium are used in low quality shaving gels. Avoid products that contain these ingredients because they could cause skin irritation. Never utilize these kinds of low quality cream as they provide mediocre results. Using lather of regular soap for shaving your face is not a good idea as it causes skin dryness.

7. After shaving clean your face properly with fresh water and then put on a bit of alcohol-free after shave cream or skin moisturizer. As you have just removed a skin layer, your face looks and feels good when you apply an aftershave balm after shaving.

Alcohol free after shave products work best because they do not cause any stinging sensation on the skin.

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